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Headteacher’s Welcome

A welcome message from our headteacher.

“…be kind and tender-hearted, to one another, and forgive one another, as God has forgiven you through Christ” Ephesians 4:32

I would like to wish you a warm welcome to St Bede’s Catholic Primary School. A proud member of the Bishop Wilkinson Catholic Education Trust.

As a faith school, we aim to be a beacon for Christ’s kindness towards one another creating a learning environment filled with respect, forgiveness, compassion, and a love for one another.  At St Bede’s, we are proud to educate our children in mind, body, spirit and their sense of community by giving them the experiences, knowledge and skills that will provide them with a solid foundation for their lifelong learning.

We want to work in partnership with parents, carers and our local community as we strive towards these goals and support our children to achieve their full potential.

Thank you for your continuing support for our wonderful, happy school community.

Mr J. Anderson – Headteacher

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Updated | 7th June, 2024 |

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