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School Meals

Menu and catering information about our school.

At St Bede’s Primary School we offer school meals to all chidren from Reception class up to Year 6. The menu meets the national school food standards and is healthy, tasty and sustainable food. Please see the exciting new menu below.

School Meals are free for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 as part of the Universal Free School Meals agenda. Children in Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 must pay for school meals unless they are eligible for free school meals.

The cost of meals is £14.25 per week. Please pay online at

 You can also pay in advance for meals by the above method.

Children may also bring a packed lunch to school. We ask that you give one weeks notice if you wish to change between school meals and packed lunch.

For any further information please contact the school office.

Pay online with Arbor

To pay online please see the following link. You must log in using your unique password that is sent to your email address. Once registered the account is then linked to your child. You can add money to pay for school meals, after school clubs, music lessons and more.

If you require any help with this please ring the school office.

Healthy Eating

How your child eats today can have a huge impact on their health throughout adolescence and adulthood. Eating food containing important nutrients helps children grow, and is essential for children’s mental and physical development.

At our school we want to encourage healthy eating, children may bring healthy snacks such as fruit or cereal bars to snack on at playtime.

Free fruit and vegatables are offered to children aged 4-7 years under the Government School Fruit and Veg Scheme.

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Updated | 6th December, 2024 |

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